Little Diamonds
Session times and fees

Baby unit - opening times 08.30 to 17.30
Full day (08.30-17.30) £56.50
School day (08.30-16.00) £51.25
Extended school day (08.30-16.30) £54.00
Morning (08.30-13.00) £37.50
(Please note that from 1 September 2024 all sessions are subject to a £3 meal surcharge.)

Toddlers, Little Pre-school and Pre-school - opening times 08.00 to 18.00
Full day (08.00-18.00) £51.50
School day (08.00-16.00) £45.00
Baby sibling school day (08.30-16.30) £45.00
Short day (09.00-15.00) £40.00
Morning (08.00-13.00) £36.00
(Please note that from 1 September 2024 all sessions are subject to a £3 meal surcharge.)

2024/25 Preschool term-time only sessions
Further information regarding our offerings for the 2024/25 term-time only sessions will appear soon.
School clubs
Breakfast club and Henry Bloom drop off (08.00-09.00) £9.00
Afterschool club - collection from Henry Bloom (15.30-18.00) £15.00
Afterschool club - collection from other schools (15.30-18.00) £17.50
Afterschool club - parent drop off (15.30-18.00) £14.50
Holiday clubs
Full day (08.30-17.45) £42.00
School day (08.30-15.30) £37.00

Once you have been to visit us and completed an enquiry form we will check availability for the sessions you require. If the sessions are available you will receive your contract to complete along with a copy of our and terms and conditions.
When we have confirmed availability for your booking you will be required to return your contract and pay a £40 registration fee and the appropriate deposit within 7 days. Deposits are £400 (for under 2s) or £270 (for over 2s).
Half of your deposit will be credited to your account once your child has been at Little Diamonds for 3 months, and the other half will be credited in their final month. Deposits are non-refundable in the event that you do not take up your space, or you cancel your booking after less than 3 months after your child's start date.
Discounts are available for full week care (ie the same session booked for 5 days per week) and for parents with 2 or more children attending Little Diamonds. All discounts are subject to the timely payment of invoices. Discounts will be reversed for invoices which are not paid by their due date.
The above prices are for ongoing bookings - ad hoc bookings may be subject to a 5% surcharge.
Term-time only sessions - are subject to availability and prices may be subject to a 5% surcharge.
All bookings are accepted in accordance with our current terms and conditions.